IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
Keynote presentation slides
Mark Harman’s and Helmut Veith’s slides of their keynotes given at ICST:
A Model Checking Perspective on White-Box Testing (Helmut Veith)
Achievements, Open Problems and Challenges for Search based Software Testing (Mark Harman)
Best Paper Award
Simon Holm Jensen, Suresh Thummalapenta, Saurabh Sinha and Satish Chandra.
Test Generation from Business Rules
Best Tool Paper Award
Sylvain Hallé, Nicolas Bergeron, Francis Guérin and Gabriel Le Breton.
Testing Web Applications Through Layout Constraints
Best Reviewer Award
Paul Ammann
Best Presentation Award
Daniel Di Nardo
Generating Complex and Faulty Test Data Through Model-Based Mutation Analysis
Best Bug Basher Award
Steffen Herbold and Tanja Vos
We are pleased to announce ICST 2015, the eighth edition of the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation. ICST is the premier conference for research in all areas related to software quality.
ICST 2015 including the workshops will be carried out at Graz Congress, which is in the city center of Graz close to the city hall and the main square.
The ever increasing complexity, ubiquity, and dynamism of modern software systems is making software quality assurance activities, and in particular software testing and analysis, more challenging. The development of a software system involves human judgement and, sometimes, political, legal and social processes. As a result, software testing, verification and validation includes testing, inspections, safety certification, security, privacy and draws upon a wide spectrum of disciplines, including engineering, mathematics and also psychology. Verification and validation touches all aspects of computer science and software engineering research and impacts every software practitioner.
ICST seeks to meet these challenges by bringing together researchers and practitioners for a conference that includes all aspects of software testing, verification, and validation. It provides an ideal forum where academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners can present their latest approaches for ensuring the quality of today’s complex software systems, exchange and discuss ideas, and compare experiences.

Gold Supporters: AVL, Land Steiermark, Softnet Austria

Silver Supporters: Zühlke, Capgemini, City of Graz, Maxim Integrated

Supporter: Microsoft Research