Call for Tool Papers
The ICST Tools Track seeks to bridge the gap between software testing, verification, and validation practitioners and researchers with a goal of improving both the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice. In their submissions, software tool developers should explain how they deal with the complexity and challenges of transferring research ideas into practice. At the same time, researchers are welcome to submit papers in which they describe how academic research helps tool developers apply new approaches to solving complex industry problems. Participants of the Tools Track will be exposed to different techniques, and they will be connected with potential collaborators. We actively seek quality non-academic submissions, so that this track enables leading researchers and practitioners discuss and solve important problems.
We invite submission that include but not limited to the following areas:
- Transfer of academic approaches into open source or commercial tools and sharing lessons learned from this transfer;
- Creation of an innovative tool;
- Description of a significant adoption effort of a verification approach with detailed descriptions of the strategies and challenges of this adoption effort;
- Description of a working prototype of your research technique, any feedback obtained from practitioners and description of the technical challenges in developing it.
Submissions will be evaluated based on:
- The importance of the addressed problem;
- The relevance and significance of any lessons learned during implementation or deployment;
- The innovation element of the approach;
- The maturity and adoption-level of the tool;
- The availability (e.g., is there a URL link where the tool can be downloaded from?)
- The quality of the presentation.
Authors must submit an article that focuses on the technical or social aspects of tool development, deployment, and adoption that is no more than 8 pages. Accepted authors will be allotted a 25 minute presentation at the conference are expected to include at least 10 minutes of a live tool demonstration. As such, submissions are encouraged to include a one-page Appendix that describes the plan for the live demonstration (which will need to be removed from the paper in the camera ready if the paper will be accepted). Descriptions of novel algorithmic advances or empirical evaluations are not in scope. Claims about the effectiveness of tools should be supported by citations to existing peer-reviewed publications. Please note that the Testing Tools track will accept tools at several stages of maturity: promising research prototypes, widely used research tools, commercial tools issued by research.
The best submitted article will be awarded during the conference.
How to submit?
Please email submissions using easychair:
by the submission date below.
Important Dates
- Submission of article:
February 16th, 2015
- Notification of Acceptance:
March 9th, 2015
- Camera Ready Deadline:
March 25th, 2015
- Tool demo session:
April 14th - April 17th, 2015